Update insured information


API Refs

URI Parameters

userIdnumberinsure idyes

Request body

emailstringThe user's email address. This value will be used for all future notifications and web-app logins for this user, so choose carefully.yes
firstNamestringThe user's legal first name.yes
lastNamestringThe user's legal last name.yes

Response body

emailstringThe user's email address. This value will be used for all future notifications and web-app logins for this user, so choose carefully.yes
firstNamestringThe user's legal first name.yes
lastNamestringThe user's legal last name.yes
businessNamestringThe user's business name, if applicable. Providing a value here will cause this user to be created as an Unverified Business type, otherwise they will be an Unverified Personal type.no
addressArray of objectsThe insuredā€™s physical mailing address. Providing a value here is only necessary if you want the user to be able to receive paper checks in the mail.no
preferencesobjectinsuredā€™s notifications preferencesyes


aliasstringThe name of the address information. Will be used to deliver checks.yes
address1stringLegal address infoyes
address2stringAdditional optional legal address infono
citystringLegal city nameyes
postalCodenumber stringNumber string with 5 digits lengthyes
statestringState from values. See first *yes
phonestringLegal insuredā€™s phone numberyes


paymentEmailsAllowedbooleanThe insured's communication preferences. If enabled, insureds will receive email notifications.yes
marketingEmailsAllowedbooleanThe insured's communication preferences. If enabled, insureds will receive email notifications about our new features.yes
paymentSMSAllowedbooleanThe insured's communication preferences. If enabled, insureds will receive sms text notifications.yes


  1. Get insured information Request with userId = 1;
  2. Get insured information Response:
      "id": 1,
      "email": "user@example.com",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "address": [
          "address1": "11 Birch Hill Street",
          "address2": "Apt. 123",
          "city": "Bronx",
          "postalCode": "10023",
          "state": "NY",
          "phone": "123-456-7890",
          "alias": "Home"
      "preferences": {
        "paymentEmailsAllowed": false,
        "marketingEmailsAllowed": false,
        "paymentSMSAllowed": false
  3. Update insured information Request with userId = 1:
      "email": "user.new@example.com",
      "firstName": "Jake",
      "lastName": "Lazy"
  4. Update insured information Response:
      "id": 1,
      "email": "user.new@example.com",
      "firstName": "Jake",
      "lastName": "Lazy",
      "address": [
          "address1": "11 Birch Hill Street",
          "address2": "Apt. 123",
          "city": "Bronx",
          "postalCode": "10023",
          "state": "NY",
          "phone": "123-456-7890",
          "alias": "Home"
      "preferences": {
        "paymentEmailsAllowed": false,
        "marketingEmailsAllowed": false,
        "paymentSMSAllowed": false



You can only receive information about insureds that you created yourself through our API.

Only three values are available for updating: email, first name, and last name.
The business name cannot be changed.