Get list of self payments


API Refs

Response body

idnumberId of payment. Can be used for any payment operations.yes
transactionIdstringPayment transaction Id. It can be seen in the application in the transaction history.yes
amountnumberPayment amount without any fees.yes
customerIdnumberThe Id of the insured who will receive the payment or has already received it.yes
customerNamestringName of the insured who will receive the payment or has already received it.yes
merchantNamestringName of the insurer who will send the payment or has already sent it.yes
feenumberFee for the payment amount. It will only be different from zero when this payment is sent.yes
feeDeductFromstringWhich side of the transfer will pay the fee.yes
statusstringStatus of payment. Main statuses: Awaiting-cash-out, Canceled, Preparing to mail, In-transit, Settledyes
typestringType of payment. Can be only of two types: ACH or paper check with delivery type.yes
memostringA string with a maximum length of 280
createdAtDateCreation dateyes


  1. Get list of self payments Request;
  2. Get list of self payments Response:
        "id": 1,
        "transactionId": "a444aa44-aaa4-4a4a-aaaa-a44a44444a44",
        "amount": 10.23,
         "createdAt": "2023-08-09T15:42:26.683Z",
        "customerId": 1,
        "customerName": "John Smith",
        "merchantName": "Jake Merchant",
        "fee": "0.00",
        "feeDeductFrom": null,
        "status": "Awaiting-cash-out",
        "type": "--",
        "memo": ""


This endpoint returns a list of the payments you sent.
Payment Id can be used in other API requests in the paymentId parameter.