Send mass pending payments


API Refs

Request body


File structure

Column nameTypeDescriptionRequired
EmailstringInsuredā€™s email addressyes
AmountnumberThe amount youā€™re sending this Insuredyes
MemostringDescribe your payment with an optional message. Your recipient will see this memono
Recipient's Mailing AddressstringInsuredā€™s Mailing Addressno


  1. Get list of self payments Request;

  2. Get list of self payments Response:

        "id": 1,
        "transactionId": "a444aa44-aaa4-4a4a-aaaa-a44a44444a44",
        "amount": 10.23,
        "createdAt": "2023-08-09T15:42:26.683Z",
        "customerId": 2,
        "customerName": "John Smith",
        "merchantName": "Jake Merchant",
        "fee": "0.00",
        "feeDeductFrom": null,
        "status": "Awaiting-cash-out",
        "type": "--",
        "memo": ""
  3. Send mass pending payments Request file structure:

    EmailAmountMemoRecipient's Mailing Address
    user@example.com20.23Payment for Claim #1337456 Example St.
  4. Get list of self payments Request;

  5. Get list of self payments Response:

        "id": 1,
        "transactionId": "a444aa44-aaa4-4a4a-aaaa-a44a44444a44",
        "amount": 10.23,
        "createdAt": "2023-08-09T15:42:26.683Z",
        "customerId": 2,
        "customerName": "John Smith",
        "merchantName": "Jake Merchant",
        "fee": "0.00",
        "feeDeductFrom": null,
        "status": "Awaiting-cash-out",
        "type": "--",
        "memo": ""
        "id": 2,
        "transactionId": "a555aa55-aaa5-5a5a-aaaa-a55a55555a55",
        "amount": 10.23,
        "createdAt": "2023-08-10T12:03:26.683Z",
        "customerId": 2,
        "customerName": "John Smith",
        "merchantName": "Jake Merchant",
        "fee": "0.00",
        "feeDeductFrom": null,
        "status": "Awaiting-cash-out",
        "type": "--",
        "memo": "Payment for Claim #1337"



The file must be of the required structure. Rows with invalid values are ignored.

You can submit multiple pending payments in a single request.
To do this, you need to upload a file with the required information.