Add bank for insured


API Refs

URI Parameters

userIdnumberinsure idyes

Request body

routingNumbernumber stringA numeric string for the bank routing number corresponding to a US bank or credit union. The first two digits must be in a range from "01" through "12", or "21" through "32", and the string value must consist of nine digits.yes
accountNumbernumber stringA numeric string of 4-17 digits.yes
accountTypestringThe type of bank account this is must be one of these values: checking or savings.yes

Response body

idstringThis id is used for all ACH payments.yes
namestringName of the bank.yes
accountTypestringType of bank account. Can be only checking or savings.yes
typestringType of current funding source. It will always be a bank, since we can only have bank-type funding sources.yes
statusstringBank status. For clients created with the API it will always be undefined as we don't use PLAID to validate as we do in the application.yes


  1. Get list of insuredā€™s banks Request with userId = 1;
  2. Get list of insuredā€™s banks Response:
        "id": "11a111a1-1111-1111-11a1-11a1a1aa11aa",
        "name": "Bank_995",
        "accountType": "checking",
        "type": "bank",
        "status": "unverified"
  3. Add bank for insured Request:
      "routingNumber": "021000021",
      "accountNumber": "1111222233331111",
      "accountType": "savings"
  4. Add bank for insured Response:
      "id": "11a111a1-1111-1111-11a1-11a1a1aa11aa",
      "name": "Bank_995",
      "accountType": "checking",
      "type": "bank",
      "status": "unverified"


If the insured did not have a bank added during registration, or you need to add a second one, this endpoint can help you with this.
To add a bank, you need to pass number routing, number account and what type of account (checking or savings).


There can only be five banks at a time.

If you need to add more, delete one of the active banks. Go to Delete insuredā€™s bank by id for more information about deleting the bank.