Retry pending payment


API Refs

URI Parameters

paymentIdstringPending payment idyes


  1. Get list of insuredā€™s pending payments Request with userId = 1;
  2. Get list of insuredā€™s pending payments Response:
        "id": 1,
        "transactionId": "a444aa44-aaa4-4a4a-aaaa-a44a44444a44",
        "amount": 10.23,
        "createdAt": "2023-08-09T15:42:26.683Z",
        "customerId": 1,
        "customerName": "John Smith",
        "merchantName": "Jake Merchant",
        "fee": "0.00",
        "feeDeductFrom": null,
        "status": "Canceled",
        "type": "--",
        "memo": ""
  3. Retry pending payment Request with paymentId = 1;
  4. Get list of insuredā€™s pending payments Request with userId = 1;
  5. Get list of insuredā€™s pending payments Response:
        "id": 1,
        "transactionId": "a444aa44-aaa4-4a4a-aaaa-a44a44444a44",
        "amount": 10.23,
        "createdAt": "2023-08-09T15:42:26.683Z",
        "customerId": 1,
        "customerName": "John Smith",
        "merchantName": "Jake Merchant",
        "fee": "0.00",
        "feeDeductFrom": null,
        "status": "Awaiting-cash-out",
        "type": "--",
        "memo": ""



You can only retry pending payments that have been canceled.


Where to get payment id?

You can get all existing payments for yourself or your insured. Go to Get list of self payments for more information about your payments, or go to Get list of insuredā€™s pending payments.

You can retry a pending payment that has been canceled. When a pending payment is retried, its status becomes Awaiting-cash-out.