Delete insured’s bank by id


API Refs

URI Parameters

userIdnumberinsure idyes
idstringbank idyes


  1. Get list of insured’s banks Request with userId = 1;
  2. Get list of insured’s banks Response:
        "id": "11a111a1-1111-1111-11a1-11a1a1aa11aa",
        "name": "Bank_995",
        "accountType": "checking",
        "type": "bank",
        "status": "unverified"
        "id": "22a222a1-2222-2222-22a2-22a2a2aa22aa",
        "name": "Bank_996",
        "accountType": "savings",
        "type": "bank",
        "status": "unverified"
  3. Delete insured’s bank by id Request with id = “22a222a1-2222-2222-22a222a2a2aa22aa”;
  4. Get list of insured’s banks Request with userId = 1:
  5. Get list of insured’s banks Response:
        "id": "11a111a1-1111-1111-11a1-11a1a1aa11aa",
        "name": "Bank_995",
        "accountType": "checking",
        "type": "bank",
        "status": "unverified"



Where to get bank id?

You can get all existing banks for any you insured. Go to Get list of insured’s banks for more information about it.

In cases where the bank is no longer active or is not needed for use, you can delete it. To delete, you need to pass the bank Id in the query parameter.