Get list of banks


API Refs

Response body

idstringThis id is used for all ACH payments.yes
namestringName of the bank.yes
accountTypestringType of bank account. Can be only checking or savings.yes
typestringType of current funding source. It will always be a bank, since we can only have bank-type funding sources.yes
statusstringBank status. For clients created with the API it will always be undefined as we don't use third party bank connection providers to validate as we do in the application.yes
defaultForPaymentsbooleanShows if this bank will be used for payments by default or notyes


  1. Get list of banks Send request;
  2. Get list of banks Response:
        "id": "11a111a1-1111-1111-11a1-11a1a1aa11aa",
        "name": "Bank_995",
        "accountType": "checking",
        "type": "bank",
        "status": "verified",
    		"defaultForPayments": true